03-04 Topps #223 RC x2 $10
03-04 UD Top Prospects 5 2.00
03-04 Upper Deck Rookie Exclusives 3 $4
03-04 Upper Deck Victory 103 2.50x2
04-05 SPx 19 2.50
04-05 Ultra 121 1.50
06-07 Bowman #11 1.50
06-07 Fleer #42 1.25
06-07 Topps #197 x2 $1
06-07 Topps Turkey Red #255 1.25
06-07 Upper Deck #42 x2 1.25
06-07 Upper Deck Rookie Debut 20 1.25
07-08 Artifacts #22 x2 $2
07-08 Topps #15 x2 $1
07-08 Topps 1957-58 Variations 15 $3
84 Star 11 $4
93-94 Hoops MB1 w/ Magic Johnson .50
06-07 Topps Full Court Photographer’s Proof #97
/1999 $12
96 Score Board All Sport PPF 150 1.25
96 Score Board All Sport PPF 185 1.25
96-97 Coll. Choice Mini Cards M129 $6 x3
96-97 Metal 181 $6
96-97 UD3 19 $8 RC
97-98 Hoops 75 $2
97-98 Fleer Million Dollar Moments #31 1.25
97-98 Topps #171 $2
97-98 Upper Deck #58 $3
97-98 Upper Deck Starting Lineup SL31 n/a
97-98 Z-Force #195 $1
98 Collector’s Edge Impulse KB8 Gold 4 $12
98 Collector’s Edge Impulse KB8 Holofoil NNO n/a
98-99 Black Diamond 46 $4
98-99 Collector’s Edge Impulse KB8 #KB1, KB2, KB3 $6
98-99 Collector’s Edge Impulse T3 #3 $10
98-99 Skybox Premium 205 1.50
98-99 Skybox Thunder Lift Off #3 $25
98-99 UD Choice StarQuest Blue #SQ13 $2.50
98-99 Upper Deck 75 $3
99-00 Upper Deck HoloGrfx NBA 24-7 N8 $3
00-01 SP Authentic Special Forces SF1 $6
00-01 SPx Spxcitement S1 $4
00-01 Topps Gallery Photo Gallery PG3 $8
00-01 Upper Deck #188 .75
00-01 Upper Deck e-Card 1 #EC1 $6
00-01 Upper Deck Pros & Prospects Proactive PA1 $3
00-01 Upper Deck Victory #98 1.50
01-02 Black Diamond Diamond Skills DS10 $4
01-02 Fleer Marquee 93 $3
01-02 Fleer Maximum #17 2.50
02-03 Topps Ten 6 2.50
02-03 Upper
Deck Dual Shooting Shirts KB/JW-S Kobe Bryant/Jay Williams $40
02-03 Upper Deck I Love LA LA1 $8
03-04 SP Authentic 35 1.50
03-04 Skybox Autographics 2 $4 x2
03-04 Topps 36 2.00
03-04 Upper Deck Victory 41 .50
04-05 Skybox LE 69 $3
04-05 Topps 8 $2
05-06 SP Authentic 38 $4
06-07 Bowman #6 x4 $3
06-07 Fleer 85 2.50
06-07 Fleer Team Leaders TL-KB $4
06-07 Reflections 44 $6
06-07 SP Authentic 37 $4
06-07 Topps Turkey Red 258 2.50
06-07 Upper Deck 84 $3 x3
06-07 Upper Deck Rookie Debut #40 2.50
07-08 Artifacts #40 x4 $4
07-08 Fleer 153 2.50
07-08 SP Authentic 61 $5
07-08 Stadium Club 24 $4 x2
07-08 Topps 24 $2 x2
07-08 Topps Chrome 1957-58 Variation 24 x2 $6
07-08 Topps Own the Game OTG8 $4
07-08 Upper Deck 178 $3
07-08 Upper Deck Electric Court Gold 178 $10
08-09 Upper Deck Starquest SQ-5 $5
98 Press Pass Double Threat Two-on-One 11 $10
98-99 Fleer Brilliants Blue #105B RC $10
98-99 Fleer Brilliants Illuminators #4 $15
98-99 Topps #199 $6 RC
98-99 UD Ionix Kinetix #K7 $12
98-99 Upper Deck 316 $12 RC
99-00 Black Diamond #79 $2
99-00 Finest #235 x2 $4
99-00 Fleer Force Attack Force Forcefield A1 $6
99-00 Hoops Decade #49 1.25
99-00 Metal #1 1.25
99-00 Metal Rivalries #9 w/ Grant Hill 1.50
99-00 Metal Vince Carter Scrapbook VC5 $4
99-00 Metal Vince Carter Scrapbook VC6 $4
99-00 Metal Vince Carter Scrapbook VC7 $4
99-00 Metal Vince Carter Scrapbook VC9 $4
99-00 Skybox Dominion Gameday 2K #1 $2
99-00 Skybox Impact #141 $1
99-00 Stadium Club #69 1.50
99-00 Topps Chrome #98 2.50
99-00 UD Ionix #53 $2
99-00 Upper Deck #115 $2
99-00 Upper Deck HoloGrFx #53 $2
00-01 Fleer Focus 220 .75
00-01 Fleer Game Time Attack the Rack 1 2.50
00-01 Fleer Game Time Vince and the Revolution #1 $3
00-01 Fleer Game Time Vince and the Revolution #5 $3
00-01 Fleer Old School Raptor #NNO $30
00-01 Fleer Premium Skilled Artists 1 $4
00-01 Fleer Premium Sole Train 1 2.50
00-01 Stadium Club #17 1.50
00-01 Topps Tip-Off #50 1.25
00-01 Topps Tip-Off #154 .60
00-01 Topps Tip-Off Daily Double #NNO x4
00-01 Upper Deck Unleashed #U1 2.50
00-01 Upper Deck Victory #257 .50
01-02 Fleer Exclusive Vinsanity Collection #2 $20
01-02 Fleer Maximum #12 1.50
01-02 Topps Mad Game MG4 $5
01-02 Upper Deck #161 2.00
01-02 Upper Deck Motion Picture MP5 $5
01-02 Upper Deck Slam Center #SC3 $4
02-03 Flair Court Kings #15 $3
02-03 Fleer Showcase Vince Carter Legacy
Collection GU JSY $30
02-03 Fleer Premium Emerald #EM108 102/300
Vince Carter $12
02-03 Upper Deck #162 2.00
02-03 Upper Deck Dunk Vision #DV4 $5 x2
02-03 Upper Deck Exclusives #162 55/100 $30
02-03 Upper Deck MVP Air Apparent A4 $2
03-04 Fleer Platinum 15 1.50
03-04 Skybox Autographics 1 2.50
03-04 Topps Highlight Zone HZ-8 $4
03-04 Upper Deck Honor Roll 83 $2
03-04 UD Victory #92 .75
04-05 Fleer Authentix 91 $2
04-05 Hoops Supreme Court 6 $3
04-05 Skybox Fresh Ink Game Breakers #13 w/Jamison $6
04-05 Topps Chrome Black Refractor #30 414/500 $20
04-05 Upper Deck All Star Lineup 83 1.50
05-06 Bowman #55 $2
05-06 Bowman Gold 55 $4
05-06 Topps #15 1.25
05-06 Topps Style #17 $3
05-06 UD Portraits #96 18/30 $20
05-06 Upper Deck #115 x2 2.00
05-06 Upper Deck ESPN 52 1.25
06-07 Bowman #8 x2 $2
06-07 Bowman Chrome #8 $4
06-07 Fleer #117 1.50
06-07 Topps 15 1.25
06-07 Topps Clutch
City Stars CCS4 $3
06-07 Upper Deck Rookie Debut #56 1.50
07-08 Artifacts #58 2.50
07-08 Fleer Hot Prospects 9 $2
07-08 Topps 1957-58 Variation #28 $4
07-08 Topps Chrome Refractor 28 /999 $6
07-08 Upper Deck First Edition 187 1.50
97-98 Fleer 201 2.00
97-98 Hoops 166 2.00 x2
97-98 Skybox Premium 112 $4
97-98 Topps #115 RC 2.00 x2
97-98 Z-Force 111 2.00
98-99 Metal Universe 35 1.25
98-99 Topps Gold Label GL7 $4 x2
98-99 Ultra Gold Medallion $3
98-99 Upper Deck Ovation 59 2.00 x2
98-99 Upper Deck Super Powers #S24 $4
99-00 Hoops Decade Up Tempo #4 2.50
99-00 Sybox Dominion #42 1.00
00-01 Fleer Premium Sole Train ST14 $2 x2
00-01 SPx Spxcitement S6 $2
00-01 Topps Tip-Off #60 $1
00-01 Topps Tip-Off #155 .50
01-02 Fleer Maximum #34 1.25
01-02 Upper Deck Honor Roll #77 1.50
02-03 UD Glass 109 $15
03-04 Upper Deck Victory 156 1.00
04-05 Fleer Tradition #58 1.25
04-05 Topps #50 $1
04-05 Topps All Star Support AS-GD $4
04-05 Upper Deck All-Star Lineup #77 1.25
06-07 Bowman #20 x2 1.50
06-07 Topps Turkey Red #21 $2
06-07 Ultra #143 1.50
06-07 Upper Deck National VIP Promo NBA5 1.50
07-08 Topps 50th Anniversary 1 n/a
08-09 Hot Prospects 23 2.00
96 Collector’s Edge Key Kraze Holofoil #9 874/3200 $20
96 Pacific Gold Crown Die Cuts GC-7 $12
96-97 Hoops 295 2.50
96-97 Upper Deck Rookie Exclusives R1 $12
97-98 Finest #320 $30
97-98 Hoops 287 1.25
97-98 Topps Minted in Springfield 54 $6
97-98 Upper Deck #93 $2
97-98 Z-Force Quick Strike 4 $20
98 Upper Deck Hardcourt #40 $4
00-01 Topps Tip-Off Daily Double #NNO x2
00-01 Upper Deck Victory 251 .15
02-03 Upper Deck All Star Authentics Jerseys AIAJ $25
03 Upper Deck Lego Sports 13 n/a
03-04 Fleer Platinum 111 1.25
03-04 SP Authentic 64 .75
03-04 Topps 3 $1
03-04 Upper Deck Victory 70 .25
04-05 Black Diamond Die Cuts DC24 $6
04-05 Topps 1x2 $1
05-06 Finest Xfractor Red #38 034/139 $6
05-06 Topps #33 x2 $1
05-06 Upper Deck 139 1.50
06-07 Finest Refractor 38 $5
06-07 Finest Green Refractor 38 /199 $6
06-07 Fleer #147 1.25
06-07 Topps #200 $1
06-07 Topps Clutch
City Stars CCS1 $3
08-09 Hot Prospects 101 /499 $4
04-05 Bowman Gold #23 $15
04-05 E-XL #53 x2 $6
04-05 Fleer Tradition 140 $4
04-05 Skybox Autographics #5 $6
04-05 SP Authentic #14 $6
04-05 Upper Deck Hardcourt #15 x2 $5
05-06 Bowman Chrome 23 $6
05-06 Hoops LJ Profiles #LBJ-18 2.50
05-06 SP Authentic #14 x4 $6
05-06 SPx #15 $6
05-06 Topps Chrome #102 x2 $6
05-06 Topps Style #111 $8
05-06 Upper Deck #27 x3 $5
06-07 Bowman #22 $5
06-07 Topps #123 $3
06-07 Topps Pride of the Program #PP2w/Ilgauskas/Hushes $8
06-07 Topps Triple Threads #5 753/899 $15
06-07 Upper Deck The Lebrons Memorabilia #LM3 $30
06-07 Upper Deck National VIP Promo NBA-2 $3
06-07 Upper Deck Rookie Debut #15 $4
07-08 Stadium Club 23 $5 x2
07-08 Topps #23 $3
07-08 Ultra SE 28 $6
90-91 Hoops #5 $2, #65 (x3) $2, #579 $6
91-92 Fleer 375 1.00
91-92 Skybox #307 2.50, #408 2.50, #462 1.50, #534 $8, #572 2.50, #583 2.50
92-93 Skybox School
Ties ST16 $10
92-93 Upper Deck #23(x3) $4, #67(x2) $2, #310 .30, #425 $2, #488 $2, #506 $2
92-93 Upper Deck European #107 $2
92-93 Upper Deck European #174 1.50
92-93 Upper Deck European #176 $2
92-93 Upper Deck European #177 $2
92-93 Upper Deck McDonald’s #P5 $3
93-94 Hoops #289 .75
93-94 Stadium Club 169 $5
93-94 Upper Deck #23(x6) $4, #166 $2, #171 $2, #180 $1, #187 $1, #193 x2 $2, #198 x2 $2, #201 $2, #204 x3 $2, #213 x2
$1, #237 $2
94-95 Coll. Choice Silver Signature #240 $4
94-95 Coll. Choice Silver Signature #402 $4
95-96 Coll. Choice Player’s Club #353 $4
95-96 Skybox Premium Standouts Hobby SH1 $50
95-96 Topps 277 3.00
96-97 Coll. Choice #365 w/R. Miller $1
96-97 Ultra Court Masters
23KT Gold 125/4523 $80
96-97 Upper Deck View Points VP1 $15
97-98 Coll. Choice 185 1.25
98 Upper Deck MJ sticker Collection 8, 9, 29, 36, 37, 59, 74, 82, 93, 115,
119, 135 N/A
98-99 SPx Finite S1 N/A
98-99 Topps #77 $3
98-99 Upper Deck UDX $3
99 Upper Deck Athlete of the Century 27 $1
99 Upper Deck Athlete of the Century 40 $1
99 Upper Deck Athlete of the Century 73 $1
99 Upper Deck Athlete of the Century 77 $1
99 Upper Deck Athlete of the Century 81 $1
99-00 Mattel Maximum Air NNO n/a
99-00 Topps Chrome Champion Spirit CS1 $15
01-02 Fleer Force Inside the Game 11 /699 $50
02-03 Topps Top Tandems TT6 $8
02-03 Upper Deck MJ The Comeback J2 $10
02-03 Upper Deck MJ The Comeback J7$10
02-03 Upper Deck MVP Rising to the Occasion R3 $8
06-07 Upper Deck National VIP Promos NBA-1 $3
97-98 Bowman’s Best Mirror Image #MI5 w/Grant Hill/Abur-Rahim/Garnett $15
97-98 Bowman’s Best Mirror Image Atomic Refractor #MI5 w/Grant Hill/Abur-Rahim/Garnett $50
97-98 Fleer Rookie Senastions #7 $6
97-98 Hoops 169 2.50
97-98 Metal Universe #42 RC $4 x5
97-98 Metal Universe Championship 36 $4
97-98 Skybox Premium 217 $4
97-98 Stadium Club #217 RC $4
97-98 Topps 125 $3 x3
97-98 Z-Force #172 x42.50
98 Upper Deck Hardcourt Home Court Advantage 78 $10
98-99 SPx Finite Radiance #189 1089/1130 $50
98-99 Topps 162 1.25 x2
98-99 Ultra #82 $2 x2
99-00 Metal #99 1.25
99-00 Ultra Gold Medallion 119 $4
00-01 Finest Moments Refractors FM-TM $8
00-01 Ultra 165 $2
00-01 Upper Deck #119 $2
01-02 Fleer Genuine Final Cut $20
01-02 Fleer Maximum #4 1.50
02-03 Finest Refractors #146 33/250 $40
02-03 Fleer Tradtion All-Star Sneaker Edition 10/50 $30
02-03 Stadium Club #25 1.50
02-03 Topps Chrome Zone Busters ZB10 $6
02-03 UD Glass 95 $15
03 Upper Deck Lego Sports Gold 14 n/a
03-04 SP Authentic 62 1.00
03-04 Ultra Scoring Kings 3 $6
03-04 Upper Deck Victory Parallel #174 98/100 $60
04-05 Skybox Autographics #58 2.50
04-05 Topps #100 1.25
04-05 Topps Rock Rhythm #RR-TM $4
05-06 Bazooka #20 1.50
05-06 Bazooka Gold 20 $2
06-07 Bowman #74 x2 $2
06-07 Topps Full Court #69 $2
07-08 Artifacts #32 2.50
07-08 Stadium Club 71 $2
89-90 Fleer #65 $2
89-90 Hoops #29 x3 .60
90-91 Fleer 78 .30
90-91 Hoops 7 .15
90-91 Hoops #135 x3 .20
90-91 Skybox #117 .30
91-92 Hoops #303 .10
91-92 Upper Deck #256 x3 .25
92-93 Fleer #94 .30
92-93 Topps #215 .10
92-93 Ultra #78 x3 .50
92-93 Upper Deck #123 x .30
92-93 Upper Deck McDonald’s #P18 .50
93-94 Finest 11 .75
93-94 Hoops #87 .25
93-94 Skybox Premium #85 .30
93-94 Skybox Premium Showdown Series #SS10 .25
93-94 Stadium Club #306 x2 .30
93-94 Stadium Club Beam Team #6 $2
93-94 Topps #57 .10, #187 (x3) .25
93-94 Upper Deck #178 .15, #195 x4 .15
93-94 Upper Deck SE #53 .30
94 Flair USA #60 .30
94-95 Coll. Choice 31 .20
94-95 Coll. Choice 382 .10
94-95 Skybox 320 .10
94-95 SP Championship #11 .20
94-95 SP Championship 70 x2.40
94-95 SP Championship Die Cut 11 .50
94-95 SP Championship Die Cut 70 1.00
94-95 Stadium Club #144 x7 .40
94-95 Topps #310 .10
94-95 Ultra #76 x2 .40
94-95 Upper Deck #126 .40
95 Fleer European Triple Threats #1 w/ Mookie Blaylock .75
95-96 Collector’s Choice #157(x3) .40, #176 .25, #331 x3 .25, #359 .25
95-96 E-XL #34 1.25
95-96 Flair #58 $2
95-96 Flair #239 .75
95-96 Fleer 76 .50
95-96 Fleer #330 .30
95-96 Fleer All-Stars w/Sprewell #5 x2 .60
95-96 Fleer Flair Hardwood Leader #11 1.25
95-96 Hoops #68 x2 .50
95-96 Hoops #245 .30
95-96 Hoops Number Crunchers #16 x2 .75
95-96 Metal #45 x2 .75
95-96 Skybox Premium #51 .60
95-96 SP #56 x2 .75
95-96 SP Championship #44 .75
95-96 SP Championship #128 .50
95-96 Ultra #76 .75
95-96 Ultra #325 .50
95-96 Upper Deck #179 x2 .50
95-96 Upper Deck 270.75
96 Skybox USA Texaco #5 x3 .50
96 Upper Deck USA SP Career Statistics
#S4 .40
96 Upper Deck USA #14 .10
96-97 Bowman’s Best #45 x2 1.25
96-97 Coll. Choice #257 .40
96-97 Coll. Choice #365 $1
96-97 Coll. Choice #377 .25
96-97 Finest #30 x2 1.25
96-97 Hoops #68 x3 .50
96-97 Hoops #322 .30
96-97 Hoops Hipnotized #H9 1.50
96-97 Metal #42 x2 .75
96-97 Metal #129 x2 .50
96-97 Topps #201 x2 .50
96-97 Upper Deck #52 .75
96-97 Z-Force #38 .60
96-97 Z-Force #184 .40
97-98 Bowman’s Best #9 x2 .75
97-98 Coll. Choice #54 .40
97-98 Finest #49 x2 $1
97-98 Finest #240 $1
97-98 Fleer #31.50
97-98 Hoops 69 .50
97-98 Hoops 247 .50
97-98 Hoops Talkin Hoops #12 x2 .60
97-98 Metal #39 x5 .75
97-98 Skybox Premium #60 .75
97-98 Topps Chrome 24 x2 1.50
97-98 Ultra Gold Medallion #73G $2
97-98 Upper Deck #231 x2 .75
97-98 Upper Deck #146 .50
97-98 Z-Force #31 .50
97-98 Z-Force #131 .50
98 Upper Deck Hardcourt #51 $2
98-99 Black Diamond #42 x2 $1
98-99 Bowman’s Best #53 x2 .75
98-99 E-X Century 12 1.00
98-99 Fleer #31 .60
98-99 Hoops #121 .50
98-99 Hoops Shout Outs #19 .50
98-99 Metal #80 .75
98-99 Skybox Premium #217 .25
98-99 Skybox Thunder #6 .50
98-99 SP Authentic #39 $1
98-99 Upper Deck #66 .75
98-99 UD Choice #56 .40
98-99 UD Ionix #28 .75
98-99 UD Ovation #24 1.25
98-99 UD Ovation Superstars of the Court #C11 $2
98-99 UD Super Powers #S11 2.50
99-00 Black Diamond #31 .75
99-00 Fleer Focus #21 .75
99-00 Hoops Decade #56 .50
99-00 Metal #148 .50
99-00 Impact #200 x2 .40
99-00 SP Authentic #32 $1
99-00 Stadium Club #47 .60
99-00 Ultra #34 .75
99-00 Upper Deck MVP #62 .50
99-00 Upper Deck Ovation #22 x3 $1
00-01 Black Diamond #31 .75
00-01 EX #32 $1
00-01 Fleer #197 .50
00-01 Fleer Glossy #197 .75
00-01 Fleer Mystique #34 .75
00-01 Fleer Premium #62 .75
00-01 Fleer Showcase #49 1.00
00-01 Hoops Hot Prospects #89 $1
00-01 SPx #31 1.25
00-01 Topps Stars All-Star Authority #ASA13 1.50
00-01 Ultimate Victory #21 .75
00-01 Upper Deck #65 .75
00-01 Upper Deck #401 .50
00-01 UD Ovation #21 .75
00-01 UD Slam #22 .75
01-02 Flair #82 $1
01-02 Fleer Authentix #43 x2 .75
01-02 Fleer Maximum #134 x2 .60
01-02 Hoops Hot Prospects #20 $1
01-02 SP Authentic #31 x3 1.00
01-02 SPx #31 1.25
01-02 UD #61 .75
01-02 UD Flight Team #11 .75
01-02 UD Honor Roll #31 .75
01-02 UD Insporations #32 .75
01-02 UD Legends #60 .60
01-02 UD Ovation #31 .75
01-02 UD Reserve #33 .50
01-02 Upper Deck Legends Record Producers #RP3 $3
02-03 Fleer Platinum Guts and Glory #7 $3
02-03 Topps #61 .50
02-03 UD Authentic #29 .75
02-03 Upper Deck Hardcourt #29 $1
02-03 Upper Deck Ovation #30 .75
03-04 Bowman Chrome #69 1.25
03-04 EX #41 $1
03-04 Fleer Avant #18 1.50
03-04 Fleer Focus #23 .75
03-04 Fleer Platinum #126 .60
03-04 Skybox Autographics #34 $1
03-04 SP Authentic #30 $1
03-04 Topps #31 x4 .50
03-04 Topps Rookie Matrix #96 .75
03-04 UD Glass#21 1.25
03-04 Ultra #37 .75
03-04 Upper Deck Honor Roll #30 x2 .75
03-04 Upper Deck Victory #35 .25
04-05 Flair #47 1.50
04-05 Fleer Throwbacks #50 .75
04-05 Fleer Tradition #169 x3 .60
04-05 Hoops #63 .60
04-05 Hoops Hot Prospects #9 x2 $1
04-05 Skybox Autographics #47 $1
04-05 Skybox LE #17 .75
04-05 SP Authentic #32 $1
04-05 SPx #32 1.25
04-05 Upper Deck Hardcourt #32 .75
04-05 Upper Deck Pro Sigs #32 x2 .60
04-05 Upper Deck R-Class #32 .60
05-06 Topps #41 .50
05-06 Upper Deck ESPN #32 .50
02-03 Topps 185 $12
02-03 Upper Deck MVP 193 $10 RC
04-05 Upper Deck Pro-Sigs #28 2.00 x2
05-06 Bazooka #90 1.50
05-06 Finest Red Refractor #21 111/169 $8
05-06 Upper Deck #60 2.00
05-06 Upper Deck Hardcourt 29 $2
05-06 UD Rookie Debut #33 2.00
06-07 Bowman #18 x2 $2
06-07 Bowman Chrome #18 $4
06-07 Topps 2K7 Promotion #5 $3
06-07 Topps Full Court #53 $2
06-07 Upper Deck Rookie Debut #33 1.50 x2
07-08 Artifacts #31 x2 2.50
07-08 Bowman 11 $2
07-08 Topps #11 1.25
92-93 Upper Deck #424 2.50
92-93 Upper Deck McDonald’s P43 $3
93 Classic Four Sport 315 .75
93-94 Skybox Premium Shaq Talk 9 $5
93-94 Ultra Power in the Key 7 $12
94-95 Topps Embossed 69 2.00
96-97 Hoops Hot List 8 $10
96-97 Upper Deck Smooth Grooves SG5 $25
97-98 Bowman’s Best Atomic Refractors BBP10 $40
97-98 Finest 50 2.50
97-98 Z-Force Boss 14 $4
98-99 Topps Chrome Instant Impact Refractor I5 $25
00-01 Fleer Focus 217 .75
00-01 Upper Deck Victory 97 1.00
00-01 Upper Deck Victory 244 .50
03-04 Fleer Platinum 70 1.50 x2
03-04 Fleer Platinum Big Signs 3 $3
03-04 Skybox Autographics 42 2.50
03-04 Upper Deck Honor Roll 38 $2
04-05 Upper Deck Pro Sigs 43 2.00
06-07 Upper Deck Rookie Debut 46 1.350
06-07 Upper Deck Trilogy 30 $5
07-08 Artifacts #46 x2 2.50
07-08 Bowman 32 2.00
07-08 Bowman Chrome Refractor 32 /299 $6
07-08 Bowman Copper 32 /399 2.50
07-08 SP Authentic 65 $3
07-08 Stadium Club 32 2.50
07-08 Topps 1957-58 Variations #32 $4
05 Presspass Old School 25 $6
06-07 Bowman #94 2.50
06-07 Reflections 64 $3
06-07 SPx SPxcitement SPX-73 /2999 $3
06-07 Upper Deck National VIP Promo NBA-6 $2
06-07 Upper Deck Trilogy 38 $4
07-08 Artifacts #61 x3 $2
07-08 Bowman 45 1.50
07-08 Bowman Chrome 45 3.00
07-08 Bowman Copper 45 /399 2.00
07-08 SP Authentic 41 2.50
89-90 Hoops 244 1.50
90-91 Fleer #30 .60 x2
90-91 Hoops #9 .60
90-91 Skybox 46 1.00
91-92 Skybox #462(x2) 1.50
91-92 Upper Deck #125 .75
92-93 Fleer #36 .75
92-93 Skybox 35 1.50
92-93 Stadium Club #198 $1
92-93 Topps #389 x2 .50
92-93 Ultra #213 .50
92-93 Upper Deck #37(x2) .50, #133(x4) $1, #422(x2) .50
93-94 Fleer #32 (x4) .75
93-94 Hoops #32 x2 .75
93-94 Hoops Scoops HS4 .25
93-94 Skybox Premium #321 .50
93-94 Stadium Club 61 .60
93-94 Stadium Club 103 .60
93-94 Stadium Club 184 .50
93-94 Topps #92 .75
93-94 Topps #391 .40
93-94 Ultra 34 1.00
93-94 Upper Deck #196 .30, #199 .50, #205 x2 .30, #208 .30, 310 1.00
93-94 Upper Deck SE 1 1.00
94-95 Fleer Career Achievements 5 $10
94-95 Skybox Premium 180.40
94-95 Skybox Premium 310.60
94-95 Stadium Club 356 .60
95-96 Hoops #24 .75
95-96 Topps Pan For Gold #PFG10 $12
96-97 Coll.Choice 28 .40
96-97 Coll.Choice 169 .40
96-97 Coll.Choice #370 1.25
96-97 Hoops 24 .75
96-97 Hoops 177 .30
96-97 Metal #229 .60
96-97 Topps #33 .75 x2
97-98 Collector’s Choice Starquest 79 $15
97-98 Hoops #29 x5 .75
98-99 Finest Mystery Finest M22 w/A. Walker $10
98-99 Topps Chrome Coast to Coast #CC2 $4
98-99 UD Ionix 27 1.25
00-01 UD Reserve #68 x2 1.25
03-04 Topps Rookie Matrix #66 1.25
04-05 Skybox Fresh Ink Property of 15 $4
05-06 Topps Style $4
06-07 Bowman #97 2.50
06-07 eTopps National Trade Show Promo $3
06-07 Topps Turkey Red #253 $2
06-07 Upper Deck #101 x2 2.50
06-07 Upper Deck Rookie Debut #48 x3 2.00
07-08 Artifacts #47 x2 $3
07-08 SP Authentic 64 $4
07-08 Stadium Club 3 2.50
07-08 Topps #3 1.50
07-08 Topps 1957-58 Variation #3 $5